Metal Slader Glory
The donor cart
Metal Slader Glory is one of the biggest NES game in terms of ROM size. Also it has the MMC5 mapper which is the most powerful one made for NES.
After checking nescart DB, Gun Sight seems a good donor as it has the same PCB and mapper.
The translation for this game can be found here.
After applying the translation patch, the PRG increases to 1024K.
So for this repro a 512K and 1024K EPROMS are needed.
EPROMS needed
M27C4001 - 512K 32pins
AT27C080 - 1024K 32pins
For MMC5 boards both the PRG and CHR have the same pineouts. Finding the correct wiring was not super obvious but thanks to the help of FrankWDoom from nesdev I managed to get it right.
On both EPROMs, lift pin 1, 2, 24, 30 and 31.
CHR - 27C040
Socket 1 to pin 30 (A17)
Socket 2 to pin 31 (A18)
Socket 24 to pin 2 (A16)
Socket 30 Unconnected (no A19 on 27C040)
Socket 31 to pin 24 (OE)
PRG - 27C080
Socket 1 to pin 30 (A17)
Socket 2 to pin 31 (A18)
Socket 24 to pin 2 (A16)
Socket 30 to pin 1 (A19)
Socket 31 to pin 24 (OE)